
Simple and versatile luxury car garage design ideas

Looking for luxury garage design inspiration? Find interesting garage design inspiration here, come on!

The garage is an important part of the house because it is a vehicle parking area.

Designing a garage can be easy and difficult because it must be adjusted to the size of the land and the vehicle you have.

Even though you have limited land to build a garage, it is not an obstacle to designing a luxury garage.

There are several aspects that you can apply carefully to create a luxurious garage feel.

Starting from the selection of materials, lighting arrangements, type of floor to the type of door used.

For example, here are some luxury car garage design inspirations that you can emulate!

Luxury Car Garage Design Inspiration

1. Wood Tone Garage

Source: carro.id

One way to design a luxury garage design is to use elegant materials.

Garages have many interesting combinations of materials, such as wood and concrete, which can give a luxurious feel.

The combination of these materials can appear more attractive if the lighting is designed properly.

2. Semi-car garage

Source: toriqa.com

A closed garage is indeed the best choice for those of you who want to protect your vehicle from bad weather, but that doesn't mean a semi-open garage is unattractive.

Garage designs like this can also be made luxurious with the right design.

Like the example above, the semi-open garage is luxuriously designed with the concept of exposed walls and wooden doors.

3. Luxurious garage with limited space

Source: sound.com

Luxury does not only have to be large, the impression of luxury can also be obtained in a limited garage size.

From the outside, the garage in the example above does look simple, with only one color.

But with the right lighting, this garage makes vehicles parked inside look more confident.

4. Multifunctional garage

Source: bongproperty.com

If you have a large enough land, you can make a multipurpose garage.

For example, save tools by adding a workshop area, bike rack, or closet to your garage.

5. Garage with attractive lighting

Source: jasaarsitekjogja.com

In addition to materials, lighting also plays a very important role in a garage.

For those who like to admire the visuals of their car in the garage, garage lighting should be well designed.

As an example of this luxury garage design, the headlights have been mounted on the ceiling, creating an attractive light reflection on the body.

6. Batman's Garage

Source: oto.detik.com

If you've seen the movie Batman The Dark, then you must be amazed by the luxury of Bruce Wayne's garage.

By design, the garage located in the basement looks simple but luxurious.

This garage comes with a light box concept that provides attractive lighting.

7. Garage with sectional doors

Source: caranddriver.com

There are many types of garage doors that are commonly used, including rolling garage doors, segmented garage doors, and counterweight garage doors.

Of the three types, sectional garage doors can be an attractive choice for those of you who want to design a luxury car garage design.

This door is very practical because it can be folded. Plus, the display can bring a touch of luxury to the garage.

8. Typical home garage

Source: Cintamobil.com

Garages in Indonesian luxury homes are used the same as sliding doors.

This happens because the average garage size is large.


Hopefully useful, friends jigiyaso.com

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